Data Rats

Say Cheese!

The secret is out with this picture; data is fun! The three of us have noticed that replying with "I'm in data" to the inevitable "What business are you in?" in social contexts rarely illicits a follow up question and leaves behind more than a fair share of glazed eyes. It seems that the general consensus is that data is dry and boring. Well, we say "rats" to that! Bring on the munging, cleansing, engineering and ineveitable frustration associated with programming, we love digging in to piles of information and sussing out the stories and questions that take shape along the journey.

data ratz

Ladies Night

You can find us most Fridays at "Ladies Night" which is a result of studying together during a certification course. At first they were short sessions, but evolved into marathon group programming extravaganzas ending right around the time late night DJ's are signing off the radio. The massive jumps in comprehension made the resulting fatigue worth it and over time more people joined. At first it was only women, ergo the term "Ladies Night" was coined. Fortunately our guy friends that have come on board, haven't asked us to change it, and the name is so ingrained, it might not be possible anyway.

Related Repositories

The visualizations in this website reflect a fraction of the data available and are more an extension of the pleasure of working with Tableau. Below are links to full datasets and deeper analysis.