Bad Actors

Not only can money not buy you love, it can’t buy you a guarantee that the restaurant where you are dining is good for your health, despite the establishment’s excellent reputation. After creating a count of what I considered the most offensive health code violations to easily visualize the worst offenders, I noticed The 4 Seasons has some trouble with rodents and or insects. I was surprised it took them a couple of inspections to get the issue cleared up. It also tells the story that regardless of either location or resources, if management is not on top of facility’s hygiene, the potential for risking diners’ health exists.

- Julie

Load times and viewing recommendations.

All interactive maps and visualizations were done using quite a bit of data and are hosted on Tableau public so load times are dependent on the strength of a viewer's internet connection and hardware capabilities. Please be patient and as a word of caution, selecting "All" on any graphics may be time consuming because the server could be attempting to access millions of data points as a result and instead it may be adviseable to select one item at a time and deselecting what is no longer of interest. Additionally, small screen devices may not display as well as larger ones. Use the options at the bottom of the viewport to access fullscreen or save as a file for offline use.